Jacksonville Umpires Association

JUA COVID-19 Policy

Below are guidelines and expectations related to Spring School Baseball and Softball contest. No doubt that this season will be interesting. It is possible that some schools might deviate slightly including wearing a mask and/or temperature check upon arrival. Please be willing to cooperate.

Umpires must communicate with school athletic director well in advance of the scheduled game.

Umpires are required to wear mask upon arrival at the field until the start (including pregame) of the game and from the field to their vehicle after the game ends. It is highly recommended that umpires wear a mask throughout the game if they can do so without significant impact of breathing.

Mask restrictions:

Umpires… must be solid color, no logo’s, pictures or writing.

Players… must be solid color, not distracting. Pitchers cannot wear white or yellow face coverings.

Umpires shall not shake hands, fist bump nor have any physical contact with coaches, players or administrators at pregame or throughout the game. No team captains at pregame.

Umpires should maintain physical distancing with each other, players and coaches.

Umpires are not responsible for monitoring social distancing in the dugout or stands. This monitoring is the responsibility of the coaching staff and school personnel.

It is highly suggested that umpires do not touch baseballs/softballs. Line up cards may be handed to the plate official.

If an umpire becomes symptomatic before the contest he/she must contact your assigner so that the game can be reassigned. If an umpire becomes symptomatic during a contest he/she must remove himself from the contest and isolate from others.

Should you have any questions or concern related to this protocol please ask.

Thanks in advance for continuing to work hard